TMF produces a general range of all dielectric mirrors for applications where high efficiency and minimal absorption is required, such as laser reflectors. Coatings can be generated to give partial or maximum reflectance at discrete wavelenghts over the wavelength band 350 to 1600nm.


Dielectric stacks can be designed to separate energy bands and are known as dichroic filters. Typical applications for this type of filter are for use in heat control, commonly referred to as 'hot' and 'cold' mirrors.



Cold Mirror (Long Wave Pass)

This mirror is designed to reflect only visible light allowing U.V. and IR to pass through it. Applications for this type of filter include dental and operating theatre lighting and general projection lamp systems.


Cold Mirror (Long Wave Pass)

Hot Mirror (Short Wave Pass)

Heat energy from a tungsten filament lamp is reflected away from the mirror but allows the visible light to pass through it, thus protecting sensitive components form excessive heat.


Hot Mirror (Short Wave Pass)


Please contact us to discuss any variations in standard coatings that you may require.

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