- Projection Mirrors & Large Optics Up to 3m x 1.8m Flat or Curved Used in Simulators, conference centres, A.V. presentations, projection T.V., displays, advertising, astronomical
- Beamsplitters & Cueing Mirrors Exhibition displays, fade in/out, special film effects, simulator cockpits, T.V. studios, photographic equipment, MirrorTV coatings.
- Plastic Mirrors (unbreakable) Produced on toughened polycarbonate in any size for hospitals, prisons, warships, aircraft.
- Conductive Coatings Indium tin oxide coatings on glass give clear transmissions with conductive surface. Used for liquid crystal displays, de-icing windows for T.V. cameras, anti static shields for medical equipment, computer monitor screens.
- Gold Coatings For thermal applications in the aerospace industry and infra red.
- Neutral Density Filters Made to any size for applications in photography, printing machines etc.
- Laser Reflectors/Beamsplitters Multi layer dielectric used for surveying instruments, laser, medical.
- Front Surface Mirrors Silver, Gold, aluminium overhead projectors for classrooms etc., instruments, electro optics, medical, photography, microfiche, research, etc.
- Fibre Optics Coatings on the ends of customer supplied Fibres, reduces back scatter and noise. Also for gas sensing applications
- Anti reflection Coatings Single or multilayer coatings for all surfaces where reduced reflection is required. Special coatings for laser applications.
- Etching Quality Chrome Coated Plates Machine tools, graticules, photo etching, etc. up to 3M long.
- Contract R & D Development of coating specifications.
- Spectroscopy Spectro scans U.V. to I.R. in reflectance or transmission with variable angle of incidence.
- Ellipsometry Investigation of the dielectric properties of thin films for accurate measurement of refractive index and film thickness.
- Computer Aided Design Design & consultancy services for thin films designs
Please contact us to discuss any variations in standard coatings that you may require.