1. Projection Mirrors & Large Optics Up to 3m x 1.8m Flat or Curved Used in Simulators, conference centres, A.V. presentations, projection T.V., displays, advertising, astronomical
  2. Beamsplitters & Cueing Mirrors Exhibition displays, fade in/out, special film effects, simulator cockpits, T.V. studios, photographic equipment, MirrorTV coatings.
  3. Plastic Mirrors (unbreakable) Produced on toughened polycarbonate in any size for hospitals, prisons, warships, aircraft.
  4. Conductive Coatings Indium tin oxide coatings on glass give clear transmissions with conductive surface. Used for liquid crystal displays, de-icing windows for T.V. cameras, anti static shields for medical equipment, computer monitor screens.
  5. Gold Coatings For thermal applications in the aerospace industry and infra red.
  6. Neutral Density Filters Made to any size for applications in photography, printing machines etc.
  7. Laser Reflectors/Beamsplitters Multi layer dielectric used for surveying instruments, laser, medical.
  8. Front Surface Mirrors Silver, Gold, aluminium overhead projectors for classrooms etc., instruments, electro optics, medical, photography, microfiche, research, etc.
  9. Fibre Optics Coatings on the ends of customer supplied Fibres, reduces back scatter and noise. Also for gas sensing applications
  10. Anti reflection Coatings Single or multilayer coatings for all surfaces where reduced reflection is required. Special coatings for laser applications.
  11. Etching Quality Chrome Coated Plates Machine tools, graticules, photo etching, etc. up to 3M long.
  12. Contract R & D Development of coating specifications.
  13. Spectroscopy Spectro scans U.V. to I.R. in reflectance or transmission with variable angle of incidence.
  14. Ellipsometry Investigation of the dielectric properties of thin films for accurate measurement of refractive index and film thickness.
  15. Computer Aided Design Design & consultancy services for thin films designs

Please contact us to discuss any variations in standard coatings that you may require.